Putting some meat on the bones for Aubrey Allen.
Aubrey Allen came to us to ‘sort out their website’. We’ve since helped develop their brand into one of the strongest in its field.
One of the top suppliers of meat products to the UK’s Michelin stars, Aubrey Allen boasts a retail shop, a national wholesale operation, a brand new ‘fresh food fast’ outlet and their own restaurant. They were running several websites, using a variety of logos, had no ‘owned’ photography and no real marketing strategy.
But hiding under that bushel; 80 years in business, dynamic leadership, product with unquestionable quality and provenance, and a portfolio of famous chef customers. For a company that wanted to sell more to the public, we saw this as manna from heaven.
We’ve helped to develop their brand both on and offline whilst providing focus and strategy to their customer communications. We’re now retained to deliver a dedicated marketing support service, in daily contact with HQ, the shop and the restaurant – we respond as if we were their in-house resource. Except we’re quicker, more flexible and more efficient than any in-house resource could hope to be!
Providing a ‘nose to tail’ service is rare. We make sure it’s well done.